
Configuration for PoshBot consists of a number of properties that govern the behavior of the bot.

A default bot configuration can be created by running New-PoshBotConfiguration

$backendConfig = @{Name = 'SlackBackend'; Token = 'SLACK-API-TOKEN'}
$pbc = New-PoshBotConfiguration -BotAdmins @('<my-slack-handle>') -BackendConfiguration $backendConfig
Save-PoshBotConfiguration -InputObject $pbc -Path .\PoshBotConfig.psd1
Get-Content .\PoshBotConfig.psd1

If you look at .\PoshBotConfig.psd1 it should resemble the following:

  PluginRepository = @('PSGallery')
  AlternateCommandPrefixSeperators = @(':',',',';')
  ModuleManifestsToLoad = @()
  LogDirectory = 'C:\Users\brandon\.poshbot'
  Name = 'PoshBot'
  BotAdmins = @('<my-slack-handle>')
  LogLevel = 'Verbose'
  MaxLogSizeMB = 10
  MaxLogsToKeep = 3
  LogCommandHistory = $true
  CommandHistoryMaxLogSizeMB = 10
  CommandHistoryMaxLogsToKeep = 5
  SendCommandResponseToPrivate = @()
  ConfigurationDirectory = 'C:\Users\brandon\.poshbot'
  AddCommandReactions = $True
  PluginDirectory = 'C:\Users\brandon\.poshbot'
  MuteUnknownCommand = $false
  PluginConfiguration = @{

  AlternateCommandPrefixes = @('poshbot')
  CommandPrefix = '!'
  BackendConfiguration = @{
    Token = '<SLACK-API-TOKEN>'
    Name = 'SlackBackend'
  ApprovalConfiguration = @{}
  ChannelRules = @(
      Channel = '*'
      IncludeCommands = @('*')
      ExcludeCommands = @()
  DisallowDMs = $false

Provided you have a valid bot token (which you can create in Slack at, you can create a new instance of the bot from this configuration and start it by running the following:

$pbc = Get-PoshBotConfiguration -Path .\PoshBotConfig.psd1
$backend = New-PoshBotSlackBackend -Configuration $pbc.BackendConfiguration
$bot = New-PoshBotInstance -Configuration $pbc -Backend $backend

Here is a rundown of the various configuration properties and what they do:

Property Type Description
Name string A name of the bot
ConfigurationDirectory string The directory to store bot configuration in
LogDirectory string The directory to store bot logs in
PluginDirectory string The directory to first look for plugins (modules) in
PluginRepository string[] The PowerShell repository(s) to look for plugins (modules) in
ModuleManifestsToLoad string[] Path(s) to module manifests to load at bot startup
AddCommandReactions bool Add reactions to a chat message indicating the command is being executed, has succeeded, or failed
LogLevel string The verbosity of logs
MaxLogSizeMB int The maximum log file size in megabytes
MaxLogsToKeep int The maximum number of logs to keep before rotating
LogCommandHistory bool Log command history to a separate file for convenience
CommandHistoryMaxLogSizeMB int The maximum log file size for the command history
CommandHistoryMaxLogsToKeep int The maximum number of logs to keep for command history before rotating
BackendConfiguration hashtable Hashtable containing configuration settings needed by backend provider
PluginConfiguration hashtable Hashtable of parameter values to pass to bot commands when appropriate
BotAdmins string[] List of chat handles who will granted bot administrator privledges
CommandPrefix char Primary prefix to use to determine if messages are bot commands
AlternateCommandPrefixes string[] Alternate prefix(es) to use to determine if messages are bot commands
AlternateCommandPrefixSeperators char[] Alternate prefix seperator(s) to use to determine if messages are bot commands
SendCommandResponseToPrivate string[] Array of fully qualified bot commands to redirect responses to DM channels
MuteUnknownCommand bool Control whether unknown commands produce warning message back to chat network
ApprovalExpireMinutes int The amount of time (minutes) that a command the requires approval will be pending until it expires
ApprovalCommandConfigurations hashtable[] Array of hashtables containing command approval configurations
DisallowDMs bool Disallow commands in DM channels with PoshBot
ChannelRules hashtable[] Array of channels rules that control what plugin commands are allowed in a channel


PoshBot will save the state of the bot in a location defined by the bot configurations's ConfigurationDirectory property (the default location is $env:userprofile\.poshbot). Four files will be saved here as well the primary configuration file.


This file holds the list of groups that have been created for securing access to commands. As groups are created/removed/updated via bot commands, this file will be updated. When PoshBot starts, this file is loaded so group definitions are not lost between bot restarts.

Example groups.psd1

  Admin = @{
    Description = 'Bot administrators'
    Users = @('U4KEOSDJ6')
    Roles = @('Admin')
  operators = @{
    Description = 'The operator role'
    Users = @('U6KCNSKU4')
    Roles = @('network-operator')


This file holds the list of permissions that have been created for securing access to commands. As plugins are loaded/unloaded, this file will hold the current set of permissions. When PoshBot starts, this file is loaded so permission definitions are not lost between bot restarts.

Example permissions.psd1

  'Builtin:show-help' = @{
    Plugin = 'Builtin'
    Name = 'show-help'
    Description = 'Can display help about commands'
  'Network:test-network' = @{
    Plugin = 'Network'
    Name = 'test-network'
    Description = 'Run commands to test network connectivity'
  'Builtin:manage-plugins' = @{
    Plugin = 'Builtin'
    Name = 'manage-plugins'
    Description = 'Can install/enable/disable plugins'
  'Builtin:manage-roles' = @{
    Plugin = 'Builtin'
    Name = 'manage-roles'
    Description = 'Can create/create/update/delete roles'
  'Demo:dice-master' = @{
    Plugin = 'Demo'
    Name = 'dice-master'
    Description = 'Can roll the dice'
  'Builtin:view' = @{
    Plugin = 'Builtin'
    Name = 'view'
    Description = 'Can display details about running bot instance'
  'Builtin:view-role' = @{
    Plugin = 'Builtin'
    Name = 'view-role'
    Description = 'Can view details about roles defined in bot'
  'Builtin:view-group' = @{
    Plugin = 'Builtin'
    Name = 'view-group'
    Description = 'Can view details about groups defined in bot'
  'Builtin:manage-groups' = @{
    Plugin = 'Builtin'
    Name = 'manage-groups'
    Description = 'Can create/create/update/delete groups'


This file holds the list of loaded plugins (and versions) in the bot. It is possible that multple versions of a plugin are loaded at the same time. As plugins are loaded/unloaded/enabled/disabled this file will reflect the status of each plugin. When PoshBot starts, the plugins defined in this file are loaded and are available for use.

Example plugins.psd1

  NameIT = @{
    '1.8.3' = @{
      ManifestPath = 'C:\Users\joeuser\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\NameIT\1.8.3\NameIT.psd1'
      Name = 'NameIT'
      Version = '1.8.3'
      Enabled = $True
  Demo = @{
    '1.0.0' = @{
      ManifestPath = 'C:\Users\joeuser\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PoshBot\Plugins\Demo\Demo.psd1'
      Name = 'Demo'
      Version = '1.0.0'
      Enabled = $True
  Network = @{
    '1.0.0' = @{
      ManifestPath = 'C:\Users\joeuser\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PoshBot\Plugins\Network\Network.psd1'
      Name = 'Network'
      Version = '1.0.0'
      Enabled = $True


This file holds the list of roles (and associated permissions) that have been created for securing access to commands. As roles are created/removed/updated via bot commands, this file will be updated. When PoshBot starts, this file is loaded so role definitions are not lost between bot restarts.

Example roles.psd1

  Admin = @{
    Description = 'Bot administrator role'
    Permissions = @('Builtin:show-help','Builtin:view-group','Builtin:view','Builtin:manage-roles','Builtin:manage-groups','Builtin:view-role','Builtin:manage-plugins')
  'network-operator' = @{
    Description = 'packer pusher'
    Permissions = @('Network:test-network')